Whatever you’ve heard about the NHS, their cancer stuff works like clockwork. They supplied explanatory pamphlets and introduced me to Macmillan nurses if I felt the need for support. I’ve read the information pamphlet from top to toe, and nowhere does it say that I have to stop drinking beer and wine. Get in!
They quickly organised a meeting between the Consultant, the Oncologist and the Radiographer to discuss what else they might support me with, and I had my first chemotherapy at the end of last month. It’s clear that they can’t cure the cancer, but they can control it without ruining quality of life.
So, I’ve told you all this because, as I said earlier, country folk are notorious for being too busy to look after themselves, as well as the “I don’t want to know!” syndrome.
So, Lads, I need you to Man Up and go and Get A Test. Several of my mates in the industry have already taken up the challenge and come out fine. Now, a message for the Ladies. You need to start nagging your husband, partner, Dad, uncles and brothers to GET A TEST.