Red Tractor Vice Chair, Alistair Mackintosh, on how your sector boards are working for you.
As many of us begin preparations for this year’s harvest, I want to take this opportunity to recognise the high standards that Red Tractor members work to, and the huge challenges we face. Right across the UK we have seen high input costs, uncertainty on government support, and increased international competition.
I too have had to take a hard look at my family’s own farming business; refocusing on areas where I can guarantee revenue. It’s not been an easy time. These headwinds have buffeted farmers across the country – eroding our profit margins and forcing difficult choices about the way we farm. They have also placed a heavy mental toll on many Red Tractor members.
Your Red Tractor sector boards are as deeply concerned about these issues as I am. Together, we are exploring ways in which Red Tractor can support the industry on a range of issues through these difficult times, including advice on handling on-farm incursions from animal rights activists. Please keep an eye on your inboxes over the next few weeks, as your sector chair will be in touch next month with news about how Red Tractor is working to support you and your wider sector.
Great British food sold with promise
Year upon year, our research tells us that consumers trust the products we as Red Tractor members produce. That’s because the standards we work to underpin the Red Tractor promise, which is known and trusted by millions of UK shoppers. As a farmer I am clear that reassuring our consumers is vital to the future of my business.
Lightening the load
Our aim is to protect and expand market access for your products while continuing to find ways to minimise time and effort you need to spend on assurance. To achieve that, we need to balance different factors including feedback from members, best practice and the advancement of technology for example. We are always looking for ways to improve your experience of assessment and to reduce the administratice burden.
Elsewhere in this issue you can read about our work to improve the standard manuals. In 2020 we introduced The Portal, your digital filing cabinet, and we are now working on further improvements to the system, together with continued support for assessors to encourage them to adopt the platform. Our aim is to bring third-party data direct into the platform, to further reduce the demands on the member. In time, this will reduce the amount of evidence you need to provide and allow your assessor (with your permission) to access the information at source.
Best Wishes, Alistair