Code | Title | *Key Asks | **To Lead | RT Response | Red Tractor Action Plan |
1.1 | Clarity about purpose | The purpose and scope of farm assurance must be clarified and reset, based on the good practice statement set out in the FAR report. Agreement should be sought from bodies across the food supply chain on this restatement.
| NFU & AHDB | RT will help and support at the request of the lead bodies | RT values our close working relationship with NFU & AHDB who have representatives on our Board and Sector Boards and have contributed to our response to FAR. We would be pleased to help and support NFU, AHDB and other stakeholders to agree the purpose and scope of farm assurance if required. RT wrote on 21st March to NFU and AHDB who lead this action offering our help and support at a time that they feel is appropriate.
1.2 | Revising standards | Remove standards or reduce their complexity. Undertake a deep dive of existing standards to provide a publicly available plan setting out which, in due course, will be removed, replaced or improved. Thereafter, report publicly on the rationale for keeping or removing a standard. Each new standard introduced must have a publicly identified sponsor/sponsors to provide greater transparency on the catalyst for its inclusion.
| FA Schemes | RT Priority | RT recognises the importance of this and has started work in this area in consultation with Sector Boards and key stakeholders to develop and finalise a policy for standards. The policy will initiate a review of and justification for existing standards and identify future changes as specified. This new ‘Red Tractor Policy for Standards’ will be published on our website with a review plan by July 2025. Progress against the review plan will be monitored and published every 6 months.
1.3 | A right of appeal | There must be recourse for farm businesses to refer an audit outcome to an independent arbitrator outside the scheme when the audit outcome could restrict market access. Publicly restate its approach to having a transparent complaints and appeals procedure that takes account of external arbitration. Unless non-compliance relates to an issue of food safety, or some other serious breach of standards, it should not result in immediate suspension of market access. Publicly restate the timescales within which an appeal process will be completed.
| FA Schemes | RT Priority | RT agrees this is an area where transparency is vital. Appealing audit outcomes is within the responsibility of the Certification Body so we will ask all who work with RT to ensure their appeals procedure is accessible to RT members. While RT has a Complaints and Appeals process which specifies that the appeal panel must include at least one person independent of RT, we will nevertheless consider steps to strengthen this process in line with the recommendation. We will then publish the process in full by June 2025. RT will review the process every two years. RT’s existing suspensions process includes a 28-day grace period for non-conformances to be resolved with the exception of major non-conformances against key standards.
1.4 | Proportionate sanctions | Revisit the sanctions imposed for non-compliance to ensure that they are proportionate and do not unduly impact upon the viability of a farming business. Schemes must work together to ensure that there is greater consistency between their standards, grading and any sanctions imposed for non-compliance.
| FA Schemes | RT will collaborate and consult | While RT already has a process to ensure that sanctions are proportionate, the review has demonstrated that these sanctions are not sufficiently transparent or publicly available. Therefore, we will communicate and publish RT’s sanctions by May 2025. Following discussion with other FA schemes RT will review sanctions in consultation with Sector Boards, to ensure they are consistent. RT has started progress against this recommendation by writing on 19th March to other FA Schemes to suggest we all collaborate on this topic to ensure a consistent approach.
1.5 | Risk based, coordinated inspection | Adopt a risk-based approach to audit visits, based on previous audit outcomes, so that the timing of visits and their content can be adjusted where appropriate and permissible. The risk assessment must be clearly communicated to the farm business so that it is aware of the timescales and areas of focus that will form the basis of future audit visits. Prior to a farm audit, the certification body must continue to contact the farmer to set out how the process will work and offer the opportunity to raise questions or concerns, but this should take the form of supportive contact to reduce stress, and offer advice about the audit process on a non-prejudicial basis. If an auditor is unable to conduct their audit in accordance with the timing in the agreed audit plan, they must set out their reasons to the farmer in writing. If the farmer disagrees that the time taken is not compliant, the farm assurance scheme must review the matter to ensure the auditor’s work is being conducted as effectively and efficiently as possible, and inform the farmer of the outcome.
| FA Schemes | RT Priority | All RT sectors fully agree that developing this approach is an important ambition, whilst also recognising the risk assessment method and delivery will need to both maintain rigour and incorporate sector differences. RT already operates a risk based approach to audits in pigs, poultry and dairy however, a risk-based approach acknowledging low risk farms has not yet been developed or implemented. Ensuring consistency and fairness through a risk-based approach whilst continuing to deliver within the accreditation and existing sector benchmarked arrangements is a complex area. RT will work with UKAS, our certification bodies, regulators, other FA schemes to ensure all aspects are considered in developing an achievable roadmap by sector. RT will publish progress updates on this topic in sector board reports. We will publish details of the RT Assessor Protocol and Training programme to demonstrate the processes that all assessors have to follow when conducting an audit by July 2025. RT will work with our certification bodies to ensure appropriate information is shared prior to assessment including any guidance that may aid the member. RT Complaints and Appeals process will be reviewed as part of 1.3 to check the process meets this recommendation.
1.6 | Learning lessons: using experience to support members | Farm assurance schemes must make the lessons learned from audit visits available to their membership in an anonymised form so that best practice, and the means to develop that practice, can be shared. Farm assurance plays a role in helping to maintain and improve standards across the farming industry; auditors should be tasked to identify best practice to feed into these processes.
| FA Schemes | RT Priority | RT agrees there is an opportunity improve the value provided by audit information, and will consult with farming representatives on Sector Boards, other external support organisations (eg AHDB) and auditors to review how such information, including best practice examples, can be shared widely across the RT membership and industry. RT will pilot this with the dairy sector by Sept 2025. RT publishes compliance advice based on the most common non-conformances for members across all sectors.
1.7 | Working in tandem: collaboration and cooperation between schemes | Further collaboration and cooperation is needed between farm assurance schemes to allow multiple scheme audits to be conducted at the same time, reduce duplication and encourage ‘earned recognition’, with the aim of reducing the time invested by farm businesses in audits. In due course there must be a common scale of standards – or at least a ‘read across’ between scheme standards – with additional requirements related to customer requirements only where they are strictly necessary to obtain particular market access.
| FA schemes, led by AHDB | RT Priority | On a large proportion of farms where RT and other FA scheme audits are required by the member they are already conducted at the same time (eg RT + LEAF we estimate >95%). This is delivered through our work with our certification bodies who also assess for many other FA schemes. However, this can improve, and separate audits in some devolved regions and between RT and RSPCA audits are the exception. RT has started progress against this recommendation by writing on 19th March to all other FA schemes to suggest we all collaborate on this important area and seek ways to improve. In some sectors, considerable additional audit burden is created by separate processor and customer audits, which RT has identified as a significant area omitted from the Commissioners’ Report. RT will write to all retailers to urge them to work with RT to address this together. Relevant RT Sector Boards will identify areas for improvement in this area and develop an action plan to consult with relevant processors and customers. RT will publish progress updates on this topic in sector board reports.
1.8 | Joint training for inspectors | Farm assurance schemes must revisit induction and training programmes for both new and existing auditors, to create and publish a common mandatory ‘framework’ for all scheme auditors based around a simplified assurance structure. There must be a renewed focus on auditor training to develop interpersonal skills that improve communication and relationships between the audit process and the farm business. Farm assurance schemes should engage with TIAH to capture and recognise the continuing professional development of farm assurance auditors, and for TIAH to signpost farm assurance schemes and auditors, to appropriate training. Farm assurance schemes must publish data on auditor training annually.
| FA Schemes, working with TIAH | RT Priority | RT is committed to continuous CPD for auditors delivering RT audits, and we have a dedicated Assessor Training Academy and internal staff resource in our Compliance Team to focus and deliver this. RT will review the current training provision to ensure it delivers the required framework, and training around communications and interpersonal skills. We will publish details of the RT Assessor Protocol and Training programme to demonstrate this by July 2025. RT is already a member of the TIAH Consultation Group, and wrote to TIAH on 19th March reconfirming our commitment to the work TIAH are doing and asking for suggested appropriate training providers as recommended. Statistics on the RT assessor training programme will be published annually, starting in Sept 2025.
1.9 | Transparency between schemes and regulators | Farm assurance schemes must (ideally collaboratively) inform and train industry regulators about the purpose and scope of good practice farm assurance, and the respective roles of farm assurance versus regulatory requirements. (NB this should take account of Defra’s current regulatory review to improve efficiency and effectiveness.). Auditors should regularly come together with key stakeholders to undertake mock inspections that improve dialogue and learning.
| FA Schemes and industry regulators | RT Priority | RT recognises that transparency with regulators could deliver benefits to all parties – members, FA schemes and regulators themselves. RT has started progress against this recommendation by writing on 19th March to all other FA schemes to ascertain the potential to collaborate on knowledge exchange initiatives with regulators. Through its existing memorandum of understanding with the Food Standards Agency, RT has agreed to host an on-farm awareness day for key FSA staff and inspectors. RT will produce videos showing elements of a RT farm inspection for sharing with FSA and other regulators to improve transparency by May 2025.
1.10 | Addressing the impact of audit on farmer wellbeing | Participation in farm assurance schemes has a reported impact on stress levels and mental health in an industry already known to have high levels of neurodiversity. Auditors should be supported through training to take these factors into account in their auditing approach. Training and support are available from, for example, FCN, RABI, RSABI and Rural Support, and farm assurance schemes should engage proactively with such charities.
| FA Schemes | RT Priority | RT recognises the huge challenges facing the farming community and the pressure placed on some farmers, and is fully committed to ensuring RT staff and auditors working on our behalf are appropriately trained. In addition we believe that work in streamlining audits and implementing a risk based approach has the potential to improve the impact. To amplify existing efforts, by July 2025 the RT Board will identify a Director to take responsibility for overseeing this work and identify where improvements can be made, for example in the prominence and frequency of published support, or in the training provided to auditors or the RT telephone helpdesk. The RT website carries more information and details are published in our Member Matters newsletter from time to time. RT staff who liaise with members on a regular basis have attended RABI Mental Health Training, and RT direct communication with individual members, particularly when sanctions are being applied, always highlights where further support can be found. Certification Bodies working with RT all provide regular training for their staff and auditors.
1.11 | Promoting consistency in inspections | | FA Schemes | RT will consult with UKAS and Certification Bodies | RT will consult with UKAS and certification bodies by July 2025 to identify what is possible whilst maintaining balance between consistency and objectivity and as such RT wrote to all RT certification bodies on 19th March. RT will also investigate whether capturing key information on IT systems and portals could assist with better knowledge retention in the future if the individual auditor has to change, for whatever reason.
1.12 | Inspection as a career path | | FA Schemes | RT will consult with Certification Bodies and FA Schemes | RT agrees that securing and improving a pipeline of experienced and trained auditors for the future is vital and is committed to playing our part. Lack of interest in farming-related roles is a problem for the farming sector as a whole. RT will consult with Certification Bodies who contract / employ auditors as they are a key partner in addressing this area, together with universities and colleges. RT has started progress against this recommendation by writing on 19th March RT to certification bodies and FA Schemes offering to discuss how we can all collaborate to address this important topic.
1.13 | Risk-based inspection | There must be a reduction in the frequency of farm assurance audits for those farm businesses that are consistently compliant, building upon the risk-based audit approach. Farm assurance schemes must also consider focusing auditors on aspects of farming practice while on site, and encouraging greater use of technology to deal separately with paperwork-related audit requirements.
| FA Schemes | RT Priority | This directly links to Recommendation 1.5, in which all RT sectors fully agree this approach is an important ambition, whilst also recognising the risk assessment method and ways to deliver it will need to incorporate sector differences. RT will work with UKAS, our certification bodies, regulators, other FA schemes to ensure all aspects around audit efficiency and best use of time are considered in developing an achievable roadmap by sector. RT will publish progress updates on this topic in sector board reports on an ongoing basis.