News from your Sector Board
New TAC Chair and your chance to take part shaping Red Tractor's pigs standards
The RT Pigs Board oversees the technical elements of the Pigs Scheme, with advice and recommendations on standards provided by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC).
After 25 years as Chair of Red Tractor’s Pigs TAC, Will Haresign has stepped down as part of his retirement. Will attended his final Red Tractor meeting in April, where we expressed our gratitude for his commitment and dedication and presented him with a gift.
Dr Grace O'Gorman appointed as RT Pigs TAC Chair
The Red Tractor Pigs Board and Nominations Committee have approved Dr Grace O’Gorman as the new Pigs TAC Chair. Grace is well-known to the pig sector through her involvement with industry working groups including RUMA, Defra Animal Health and Welfare Pathway and the Pig Health and Welfare Council antimicrobial use subgroup.
Red Tractor is looking for pig producers to join the Pigs TAC.
Following the recent review into Red Tractor’s Governance and change in TAC Chair, it’s an ideal time to review and refresh the TAC membership. This is important to ensure the skills and expertise of people on the committee reflect the aims and priorities set by the RT Pigs Board, and the committee includes balanced participation from different elements of the supply chain.
We are currently seeking two pig producers to join the Pigs TAC, replacing farmer members who have stepped down.
We need one indoor and one outdoor, ideally with experience in both breeding and finishing operations.
Opportunities for participation and engagement
If you are interested in participating and would like to be considered, please email by the 8th September.
We aim to ensure the commitment is manageable with around three meetings per year, often held virtually, and occasional requests for comments and input via email. Further details can be provided on request.
Red Tractor's Sector Boards meet regularly as part of our regular operating routines.
As part of our ongoing commitment to enhance communication and engagement we are now reporting on the discussions that take place. This is to ensure our discussions at the sector board meetings are open and transparent.
The report from the latest board meeting can be found here. As you will see from Stewart’s report of the recent Pigs Board meeting there are a number of key topics that will be discussed by the TAC over the coming months, including flexible farrowing.
Red Tractor recognises that as markets develop, members may require different standards to access them